Who’s Next? A Succession Planning Primer
Succession planning — once the people-process of the very large, resource-rich organization—is now a necessity for even the smallest. With a generation of leaders leaving their current roles for retirement and employees willing to change jobs and companies without hesitation, more talent and development professionals are asking, “Who’s next?” to fill the talent and knowledge gap.
Succession planning is the process of making provisions for the development, replacement and strategic use of key personnel in key positions. The most common purpose for this process is to ensure the stability and tenure of personnel necessary to achieve organizational goals. Aside from this, talent and development professionals also know that these activities build morale, increase cross-functionality of individuals in roles, aid in reducing turnover rates and attract talent.
The Five Most Critical Components of a Structured Succession Planning Process
These five components will be key in ensuring the success of your efforts over time.
Communication: Define the process and commitment, systematic succession planning process and communicate ongoing.
Position Assessment: Assess present and future work requirements for key positions.
Performance Assessment: Appraise individual job performance and potential.
Placement: Promote, move laterally, or hire to fulfill hiring needs.
Developmental Actions: Close the developmental gaps with formal and informal development.
Traditionally, organizations have implemented succession planning solely for senior positions. With a growing need for knowledge transfer at all levels of the organization, the audience for “next-up” planning is growing. The audience now encompasses senior leaders, mission-critical middle managers and individual contributors whose knowledge or roles are not easily replaced from within or outside the organization.
As you begin the planning process, our free Succession Planning Primer serves as a great jumping off point for aligning your team and developing a plan for the future success of your organization.