Training Needs Assessment (Off-the-Shelf)
Conducting a training need assessment is a valuable tool for training and development managers, HR managers and Talent Development professionals. It helps:
- Establish priorities training, talent management, coordination and HR and other staff.
- Build a case for known or new training, development and other performance management initiatives.
- Structure annual budgets as part of planning processes.
- Motivate and build involvement of managers in training.
- Demonstrate the degree that training and HR values input from specific roles.
We offer a free, online manager-driven needs assessment to select organizations. This online tool asks managers about what they need in order to be successful in their roles and links this to how skillful they perceive themselves to be in this area. Read more below about why we think asking is a critical component of needs assessment.
Content of the Needs Assessment
The online survey can be lightly tailored to capture demographic data that is relevant to your organization. Once inside the survey, managers rank usefulness and skill of 29 success points. The needs assessment also captures role-specific needs, which managers populate based upon their own experience.

Data Generated
You want to be the boss of your data. Because of that, we provide the raw data results in Excel format.

Executive Overview Presentation
We find great value in sharing information back to those who participated in the needs assessment—and other stakeholders. For those who qualify, we have an option to complete analysis and set up slides for a 30-minute presentation, which we can conduct for you or turn over to you to use.