Sales Call Simulation
When Sales Representatives use a proven, effective and consultative sales process, they not only sell more, they enhance existing relationships and create lasting customers.
For cutting-edge companies, their Sales Representatives are a crucial link to creating revenue and serving customers well. When Sales Representatives use a proven, effective and consultative sales process, they not only sell more, they enhance existing relationships and create lasting customers.
Sales Managers and Executives face the challenge of ensuring that their Sales Representatives use such a proven sales process. While many Sales Executives participate on sales calls with their Representatives and provide coaching after the call, they soon discover that their presence at a sales call can sometimes get in the way of the actual sale, undermining the point of the sales call in the first place. How then, do Sales Executives determine their Representatives’ skill levels and, more importantly, enhance them? To meet this challenge, PPS International Limited has developed an approach to sales call assessment and feedback.

Sales Call Simulation Outcomes:
- By participating in the Sales Call Simulation, Sales Managers, Executives and Representatives receive several benefits. During the process, PPS International Limited:
- Provides Sales Representatives with feedback regarding the effectiveness of their sales calls based on observable behaviors.
- Creates developmental plans for Representatives based on the results of their simulations and written assessments.
- Gives individualized coaching to Representatives that is targeted to the high-return-on-investment areas of the sales call and consultative sales process.
- Summarizes group simulation results into behavioral patterns so that Sales Managers and Executives can use the information to better provide on-the-job coaching and feedback.
Each Sales Call Simulation is customized to the client.
We do this by:
Creating a customized sales call simulation. This simulation would reflect the products and services most typically encountered by your Sales Representatives. In addition, it would contain situations that when handled effectively, increase the likelihood of large-scale, business-to-business sales. This customized case is designed and developed by interviewing subject matter experts on your products and services and by reviewing your current customer data. This case forms the basis for our associate(s) to realistically take on the role of your customer.
Developing and distributing the sales call simulation prework. The prework includes information for the Sales Representative to use in preparation for the simulation. A written assessment is provided to the Sales Representative. The written assessment is completed and returned to PPS International Limited for scoring and preparing for the coaching. The prework also includes the purpose of the sales call simulation, what to expect and how the simulation works. Most importantly, it outlines what happens and who sees the information gathered through the simulation.
Producing sales call feedback and coaching worksheets. This worksheet ensures that all Representatives are assessed against the same standards of performance and that feedback targets the areas of high impact to the Representatives’ success. In addition, the Sales Manager uses the worksheet post-simulation in a real sales call situation. Likewise, the Representative may use it as a self-assessment tool.
Conducting the Sales Call Simulation. Sales Representatives meet their customer at a predetermined location. The Sales Representative conducts a sales call as if he or she was with a “real” customer. The “customer” (a PPS International Limited consultant) interacts with the Representative using the information outlined in the customized case. As in real life situations, the more skilled the Representative is in using the Consultative Sales process, the better the results of the sales call.
Immediately following the simulation, the Sales Representative receives coaching from a PPS International Limited coach. The coach gives behaviorally based feedback on strengths and development areas. Finally, the coach provides instruction where necessary to the Sales Representative. In concluding the session, the Sales Representative creates a development plan with his or her coach.
Analyzing and developing the overall findings report. PPS International Limited combines all feedback from simulations to develop a results report. This report is provided to the Sales Manager. The report includes trends in skills used or not used and recommendations for developing necessary skills.
Download a PDF brochure of the PPS Sales Call Simulation overview.