Assessments and Inventories
From full-scale assessment centers with live group and individual simulations, to individual inventories of preferences, skills and interests, we offer a broad range of assessments that can be used to gauge the development needs of individuals, teams and leaders.
Group simulations • In-basket exercises • Behavior-style profiles • Pre-employment testing • Job suitability inventories • Multi-rater feedback/360-degree feedback • Sales call simulations • Structured interview guides • Observation checklists • Values inventories • Training needs assessments • Emotional intelligence assessments • And more

Interaction Style Self-Profiles & Guidebooks
A paper based self assessment that provides insight into an individual’s preferred Interaction Style and level of Interpersonal Acumen. The Profile is accompanied by a Guidebook on the four styles and provides guidance on recognizing others’ styles and adapting behaviors in order to be more influential.
360 Feedback
A multi-rater assessment to gain insights into personal strengths and development opportunities for leaders as well as individual contributors. Multiple options and languages available; customizable to company specific competencies.
Harrison Assessment
A tool that measures the enjoyment you have or tendency to do specific behaviors. Can be used for employee selection as well as developing and engaging talent.
Leadership Best Practices Inventory
A self-inventory measuring skills in 8 competency areas to deepen understanding of individual skills as a leader. Coupled with a discussion about performance, this tool is an easy-to-access and simple to implement inventory of current leadership skills.
Organizational Savvy
A self survey for executives, managers, professionals and individual contributors to survey your abilities in 13 categories of organizational politics. Results will lend insight to a more successful navigation of organizational politics.
FIRO-B Profile
An assessment tool that measures interpersonal needs for inclusion, control and affection. Promotes behavior changes that help people to build better relationships and performance.
Training Needs Assessment
The online survey can be lightly tailored to capture demographic data that is relevant to your organization. Once inside the survey, managers rank usefulness and skill of 29 success points. The needs assessment also captures role-specific needs, which managers populate based upon their own experience.
A virtual self assessment that provides insight into an individual’s preferred Interaction Style and level of Interpersonal Acumen. The Profile is accompanied by a Guidebook on the four styles and provides guidance on recognizing others’ styles and adapting behaviors in order to be more influential.
Team Performance Survey
A multi-rater team survey that provides information about how the overall team functions around key items such as role, goals, conflict and more. Typically implemented as part of a team building sessions or a team intervention.
Hogan Leadership Series
The Hogan assessments help individuals and organizations by identifying characteristics that may impact an individual’s job performance as well as his/her fit within a particular role, team, or organizational culture. Understanding the underlying work style traits, core values, and derailment risks that may impact behavior allows one to manage his/her behavior to increase workplace success. Multiple languages available.
Insights Discovery
A personal profile report, expressed in four easy to remember colors, that provides insight into a person’s thinking, decision making, communication styles, strengths, weaknesses, and their management style if they lead others. It includes suggestions for development and is best used in conjunction with the Insights Discovery workshop options. Multiple languages available.
Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
The assessment provides insight into an individual’s typical response to conflict situations. The TKI assessment helps people understand how using different conflict management styles affects interpersonal and group dynamics, empowering them to choose the best approach for any situation.
Interaction Style Profiles
A paper-based self-assessment that provides insight into an individual’s preferred Interaction Style and level of Interpersonal Acumen. The Profile is accompanied by a Guidebook on the four styles and provides guidance on recognizing others’ styles and adapting behaviors in order to be more influential.
DiSC / Everything DiSC
The DiSC assessment is a non-judgmental tool used to provide a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and to adapt their behaviors with others. The assessment uses adaptive testing to provide accurate reports that are personalized to the user. Multiple languages available.
The EQ-i 2.0 is a self-inventory assessing emotional intelligence and social skills. The workplace profile offers suggestions for working more effectively in one’s role with colleagues, supervisors and clients. Also available is the Leadership Report which hones in on leadership development and developing high potential leaders. Multiple languages available.
Diversity & Inclusion Profile
A multi-rater feedback instrument designed to provide input to leaders on how frequently they display behaviors that are inclusive.
VIA Strengths