Assessments and Inventories

Hogan Assessments

Hogan Assessments were created to scientifically measure personality for business indiscriminately. The assessment suite is widely used for leadership development from middle management to the executive level. We offer the Hogan Development Survey (HDS), the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and the Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) as well as group reports and coaching reports.

  • HDS helps you recognize and mitigate performance risks.
  • HPI gives you insight to how people work, how they lead, and how productive they will be.
  • MVPI helps you understand what motivates a person and in what type of environment they will be most successful.

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Looking for something else?

From full-scale assessment centers, to individual inventories of skills, we offer a broad range of assessments that can be used to gauge the development needs of individuals, teams and leaders.